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  • Ryan Smith - Friday, January 18, 2013 - link

    280mm, holy smokes! Suddenly I feel so inadequate having just an H100 on the GPU testbed...
  • blanarahul - Friday, January 18, 2013 - link

    I think the Swiftech H220 will outperform the Corsair H110.
  • firegryphon - Saturday, January 19, 2013 - link

    I think you're right blana. I'm looking forward to the H220, particularly if the pump is anywhere near as good as Gabe is saying.
  • Skidmarks - Friday, January 18, 2013 - link

    The H80 & H100 used CoolIt's mounting system as they were manufactured by CoolIt & not Asetek. The H90 & H110 looks like they're made by Asetek. Seems like NZXT have Corsair running scared.
  • karmapop - Sunday, January 20, 2013 - link

    Well, seeing as these two coolers are *identical* to the Kraken coolers, I'd say both companies just stuck their name on the same Asetek units.
  • maximumGPU - Friday, January 18, 2013 - link

    these don't look like Corsair's SP range of fact they look more like their AF series which are not optimised for high static pressure. anyone know if these are bespoke for the H90/H110?
  • karmapop - Sunday, January 20, 2013 - link

    The H90 and H110 are completely identical to the NZXT Kraken X40 and X60. Same fans, same pump, same rad... looks like both companies just put their name on one of Asetek's designs and called it a day.
  • Foeketijn - Friday, January 18, 2013 - link

    Making these things bigger will help. In my opinion a bandage for a gun shot wound. Those radiators should be all copper to be a match for those premium air coolers. I'm very curious how the copper and heatpipe rad from Zalman will perform. It's a shame that even when the 120mm Zalman will be an absolute gem, only the very few will know. And the big (inefficient) aluminium radiators will sell easier. (Here we have a small one for $80 and for only $20 more you have a huge one). Corsair, Antec &co aren't taking anoraks seriously.
  • iamezza - Monday, January 21, 2013 - link

    Copper is very good at conducting heat.
    Aluminium is very good at dissipating heat.
    This is why virtually all modern coolers use copper heatpipes and aluminium fins, since going all copper offers very little benefit for a huge increase in cost & weight.
  • dishayu - Friday, January 18, 2013 - link

    The big coolers, like the H110 here should come with the list of cases that they will fit in. It's hard to find cases that will fit this cooler without issues/modifications.
  • ShieTar - Friday, January 18, 2013 - link

    "For a little extra on the cost of an air cooler we can get a quieter cooling solution ..."

    Is there any proof of this theory, anywhere? In my experience, watercooling is always the noisier solution for CPUs, because the noisy part of the cooling process is pressing air through the cooler, and with the watercooling this happens that much closer to the edge of the case.

    On top of that, what I don't understand about these coolers is, who exactly is the target audience? Personally, I havn't come across a singe PC where the CPU cooling solution was noisier than the GPU cooling in about 10 years. What kind of system do you build with one of these coolers?
  • vicbdn - Friday, January 18, 2013 - link

    You can put them into mini-itx cases like the SG07/8. I have a H80 in mine. Air coolers are harder to fit in there, at least ones at the same performance level of one of these all in one coolers.
  • maximumGPU - Friday, January 18, 2013 - link

    i agree. I have a silver arrow with 2 140mm fans. Lets say for argument's sake that this high end heatsink produces the same temps as an H80 with its 2 fans in push pull at the same rpm (although i'm pretty sure the SA would be marginally better), and let's say the 2 fans also produce the same db (again, the TY-140 that's bundled with the SA are amongst the quietest). at the end of the day you'll always have to add pump noise to the H80, therefore it most certainly will be noiser, no matter how quiet the pump is.

    There are a lot of reasons to go for these closed loops, such as aesthetics and space saving, but lower noise levels isn't really one of them.
  • HisDivineOrder - Friday, January 18, 2013 - link

    I think the question of whether this is quieter depends on if the pumps grind. Because Corsair likes to make closed loop systems with grinding pumps. It seems to be their specialty and they do it really, really well.
  • Beenthere - Friday, January 18, 2013 - link

    I love the technical ignorance and fanboism of the clueless...

    Witness this statement:


    "I’m a big fan of these closed loop all-in-one liquid coolers. For a little extra on the cost of an air cooler we can get a quieter cooling solution and something that can offer a great way to remove heat from the CPU without going for a full blown self-build water loop. "

    Nothing could be further from the truth than what Ian has stated above...

    In fact testing at numerous websites including AnandTech show that highend HSFs actually perform as good or better than closed loop coolers (CLCs), in every typical CPU cooling metric used by enthusiasts, those being:

    1. Thermal performance
    2. Cost
    3. Fan Noise
    4. Reliability

    Corsair has finally tweaked their H2O coolers so that they are slightly better than a highend HSF in thermal performance - under the right conditions, but has not resolved the cost, fan noise or reliability issues where water leaks can and do destroy PC hardware. While Corsair has been paying for the water leak damage, you can still lose data and be without your PC for weeks and for what? So you have a CLC that cost more, is thermally less efficient, has a louder fan and that can leak water?

    Really? Is that what a technically informed person actually wants? I doubt it. I think that the majority of people who buy or promote inferior CLCs over safe, reliable, efficient and cost friendly HSFs, are technically challenegd, unscrupulous or both.

    People are free to buy whatever makes them happy but promoting an inferior CPU cooling system to the clueless is unscrupulous IMO and that of other technically informed enthusiasts. The sheeple will flock to whatever is pimped, most without ever bothering to do their homework and learn the facts for themselves.
  • IanCutress - Friday, January 18, 2013 - link

    "Nothing could be further from the truth than what Ian has stated above..."

    When I state 'I am a fan of', how is that untrue? Do you know something I don't about my own mental state that I do not? Please send your findings to the James Randi Educational Foundation, they'll give you $1m if you can do it under laboratory conditions.

    I enjoy using CLCs, and I personally prefer them over large HSFs, and own both. Aside from reducing the weight hanging off the motherboard, I find them better for heat transfer and noise in my environments in which I put them than the large HSFs. When I push the CPU load, the fans stay quiet and I'm happier with the temperatures. I have never had a leak with one, as neither have >99% of users. While I can't back up that figure, I fear if it was any larger then Corsair and NZXT wouldn't be forging ahead with new models.

    I have confidence in them, and thus all my recent builds and my test beds use them. I'm sorry you feel differently.
  • kyuu - Friday, January 18, 2013 - link

    Don't mind Beenthere. He's a notorious troll.

    In this case he does have some fair points, but CLCs have no real risk of leaks. I'm sure there have been a few cases, but those would have been a result of a manufacturing defect or being damaged during shipping/installation. CLCs are *closed* and so, barring defects or damage, there's no reason they should leak.

    CLCs are a fairly new product category, and the fact that the first gen models were on par with high-end air HSFs I think shows their potential. The cost and performance can only go up, while HSFs have pretty much topped out what they can do.
  • kyuu - Friday, January 18, 2013 - link

    I should have said, the cost can only go *down*, and the performance can only go *up* [for CLCs].
  • lever_age - Saturday, January 19, 2013 - link

    >> "For a little extra on the cost of an air cooler we can get a quieter cooling solution and something that can offer a great way to remove heat from the CPU without going for a full blown self-build water loop."

    Just because CLCs can be used in some more situations, may be more convenient, and so on, doesn't mean that you should be making such claims about performance.

    CLCs of comparable prices to air coolers (and those of a "little extra cost") tend to have worse cooling and noise performance. Of course, some models with very fast fans might have slightly better cooling at the expense of much higher noise. Normalize for equal noise levels or equal temperatures, and the other parameter is worse than for the air coolers. If you run the CLCs quieter, then they will not cool as well, so describing that as a "great way to remove heat" gives people the wrong impression. The new CLCs should of course be better than older models (particularly with the 140mm unit sizes), but this issue was even reported before on AT in a previous article:

    @kyuu, well, first-gen doesn't look on par to me. You see the same story in others' testing as well.

    If the results are quite different these days, then maybe AnandTech should run an article about it.
  • Roland00Address - Friday, January 18, 2013 - link

    Does corsair still offer their 5 year warranty, where if there is a defect and it leaks and damages other computer parts they will replace said parts?

    I ask for this piece of mind is far more important to me than a few degrees cooler or a few decibels quieter.
  • HisDivineOrder - Friday, January 18, 2013 - link

    At last. And all it took was someone else doing it first...
  • geniekid - Friday, January 18, 2013 - link

    The biggest source of heat AND noise in my system has always been from the graphics card. IMO, more companies need to offer graphics cards with high end cooling (air or water) out of the box. Preferably not solutions that blow the air into the case.
  • kyuu - Friday, January 18, 2013 - link

    What we really need are standardized graphics boards so that installing aftermarket cooling solutions onto them is easier.

    There already are manufacturers who install higher-performing cooling solutions onto their garphics cards.
  • CodeToad - Saturday, January 19, 2013 - link

    Folks, I seriously need some help here. My "home lab" is rapidly turning into a small but serious dev environment.

    Has anyone seen dual-cpu "all in one" coolers?

    I run stats and operations research (O/R) models. When they really get running, possibly for a full 10-20 hours, everything heats up dramatically.

    Any help very much appreciated.
  • Gigaplex - Thursday, January 31, 2013 - link

    You either need to go with decent air coolers or custom water loops.
  • pensive69 - Wednesday, January 23, 2013 - link

    i've been very happy with the 80 and 100 series Corsair has made
    and we've used here.
    ... comments...
    it would be nice, not mandatory, but nice if they offered longer
    presupplied hose options on these. some cases and mounts are
    just a bit cramped or have the cooler positions a bit far from
    the CPU target which stretches things or limits choices
    for mounting orientation etc.
    i'd prefer top mount cable sockets to those on the sides
    of the heatsink-fan blocks...makes it easier to cable set
    correctly and the first time.
    perhaps the manuals could have a 'bit' more local language
    content? i've had a learning curve without text a time or two.
    we actively discourage huge bolt on air coolers now that the
    quality of these has been stable - especially for a system
    that is moved or relocated.

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