05:52PM EST - Prior to the annual Supercomputing conference, Intel hosts its HPC Developer Conference a couple of days before. This year's HPC Devcon keynote talk is from Intel SVP, Chief Architect and General Manager of Architecture, Raja Koduri, with promises to cover Intel's efforts as it relates to Graphics and Software in HPC. We're here with the live blog of Raja's presentation.

05:56PM EST - Looks like a few hundred attendees getting seated. Should start here in a few minutes

05:58PM EST - Already spotted a few familiar faces from our peers at other media outlets, as well as Intel's partners


06:04PM EST - People still coming in. Looks like they don't want to start until the doors close

06:09PM EST - Here we go

06:10PM EST - Some intro quotes from the emcee

06:11PM EST - HPC is critical to driving computing forward

06:11PM EST - Using AI to take this community (HPC) to the next level

06:11PM EST - This is an important space for Intel, no longer a niche

06:11PM EST - the foundation of the future

06:11PM EST - critical to the data-centric vision

06:12PM EST - Raja Koduri to the stage

06:12PM EST - short video first

06:13PM EST - A video on the six pillars

06:14PM EST - 'Exascale for Everyone'

06:15PM EST - These are interesting times with computing, with AI

06:15PM EST - It's an interesting time for math

06:16PM EST - We frequency debate these days on what is true and what is not true - we can all agree on math, particularly integer math!

06:16PM EST - Starting with some history

06:16PM EST - Intel has been doing HPC, working in this market, for decades

06:17PM EST - Early HPC was vertically integrated - everything was proprietary

06:17PM EST - 2nd era of HPC was mostly based on general purpose CPUs

06:18PM EST - Here we are in the next era - exascale

06:18PM EST - Driven by the need for AI compute

06:18PM EST - Over the last 40 years, when Intel made tons of compute available to lots of people, major technology disruptions happen

06:18PM EST - Compute democratization

06:20PM EST - The intelligence era - 100 billion connected devices that need access to a ton of compute power

06:20PM EST - the next phase is exascale for everyone

06:21PM EST - This is one of Intel's key mission statements

06:21PM EST - Spent a lot of time building on what this is meant to mean

06:21PM EST - First new GPU architecture is codenamed Xe

06:22PM EST - Xe = eXascale for Everyone (not x^2.718)

06:22PM EST - Was going to disclose details at the last architecture day

06:23PM EST - The summary for Intel's roadmap in a single (long) sentence

06:23PM EST - products and architectures of the future are all guided by this principle

06:24PM EST - Some people are annoyed at projects cancelled and dates changed

06:24PM EST - Intel had fundamental confusion and conflict around heterogeneous architectures

06:24PM EST - 'Intel is a CPU company, they don't understand anything else' was a typical comment

06:26PM EST - There's no point building a longer car when you really need a train

06:26PM EST - Intel looked at workload patterns

06:26PM EST - Scalar computation, vector computation

06:26PM EST - matrix is having a renaissance due to AI

06:27PM EST - Other workloads with interesting patterns are currently called 'spatial', and currently use FPGAs

06:27PM EST - What is the impact of an architecture?

06:28PM EST - The impact is performance multiplied by generality

06:28PM EST - if you can get a high performance architecture that can be used everywhere, it's a winner. In reality there's a trade off

06:29PM EST - Every part of the software stack has 100,000s of developers, 100Bs of companies at every level

06:30PM EST - Heterogenity math in Intel CPUs, 150x in 6 years

06:30PM EST - AVX -> AVX2 -> AVX512

06:31PM EST - and new software, like DL Boost

06:31PM EST - This isn't going to stop

06:31PM EST - Another order of magnitude by 2021

06:32PM EST - (you can guess what instructions Intel is talking about here...)

06:32PM EST - ISA extensions

06:32PM EST - Every generation of increased math ops takes longer and longer for adoption

06:32PM EST - Now discrete GPUs

06:33PM EST - There's always more perfomrance available, but it becomes less general

06:33PM EST - So far only one major successful HPC software stack for GPUs in the market: CUDA

06:34PM EST - Every year, the portion of TOP500 systems that GPUs is growing. Currently 30%

06:34PM EST - Typically requires multiple software stacks, which is an unscalable solution

06:34PM EST - That led to oneAPI

06:35PM EST - cue the metal music

06:35PM EST - oneAPI will be open

06:36PM EST - oneAPI as a 100B device opportunity

06:36PM EST - The only way to scale is with open standards

06:36PM EST - Will cover xPU = Scalar+Vector+Matrix+Spatial

06:36PM EST - no programming for a single node any more


06:37PM EST - Needs to cover every developer, needs interfaces for every level of control

06:38PM EST - The stack covers five key areas, for all Intel hardware

06:40PM EST - Intel is betting on standards

06:40PM EST - Intel DPC++ compiler

06:40PM EST - This is the support for the first version of oneAPI

06:40PM EST - Driving all the common Intel libraries to oneAPI

06:41PM EST - CUDA to oneAPI conversion tools

06:42PM EST - (note, Raja was part of the HIPify effort at AMD. That hasn't spread far)

06:42PM EST - All Intel debug tools will be available through oneAPI

06:43PM EST - oneAPI beta now available for download

06:44PM EST - Intel oneAPI is available on Intel DevCloud today

06:44PM EST - Now GPU hardware - architecture roadmap

06:45PM EST - Even when Raja was a competitor, the Xeon Phi looked weird. Use a GPU!

06:45PM EST - GPU roadmap was founded on this prinicple that Intel is going to give FLOPS and BW in an easy programmable way

06:46PM EST - Look, Gen10 graphics is now in this diagram!

06:46PM EST - Leveraging Intel's capabilities

06:47PM EST - Xe will be one architecture, split into two microarchitectures to cover the range of requirements

06:47PM EST - Xe(LP) and Xe(HP)

06:47PM EST - are those the official names?

06:48PM EST - Now there's a third microarchitecture for HPC

06:48PM EST - Xe(HPC)

06:48PM EST - Today is only about Xe(HPC)

06:48PM EST - Fundamental difference between them are the features that target is market segment

06:48PM EST - LP is 5W-20W

06:49PM EST - It could scale up to 50W, but it scales off.. Doesn't have much operating range, but this is what's required in this market

06:50PM EST - HPC is more compute optimized more than graphics optimized

06:50PM EST - XeHPC seems to cover over XeHP but in a more compute focused aspect

06:51PM EST - SIMD and SIMT styles

06:51PM EST - CPU, GPU, and Max perf styles

06:51PM EST - All part of Xe

06:51PM EST - SIMT looks like AVX

06:52PM EST - Vector width matching needs to happen

06:52PM EST - The engine needed to be flexible for existing workloads

06:52PM EST - Performance upload expected

06:52PM EST - Xe is scalable to 1000s of EUs

06:53PM EST - *SIMD looks like AVX, sorry

06:53PM EST - New matrix vector engine, supports INT8, BF16, FP16

06:54PM EST - Looks like an 8x8x8 matrix unit ?

06:54PM EST - 40x increase in DPFP per EU

06:54PM EST - (so Intel will keep the 'EU' name)

06:55PM EST - XEMF = Xe Memory Fabric, scalable to 1000s of Xe EUs

06:56PM EST - Rambo cache, high footprint, very large

06:56PM EST - unified cache, accessible to CPUs and GPUs

06:56PM EST - and other GPUs connected to this GPU

06:57PM EST - Keeps double precision matrix performance at peak

06:57PM EST - making dealing with memory really easy

06:58PM EST - XEMF supports fully coherent memory connected to other CPUs and GPUs

06:58PM EST - Exascale has lots of challeneges

06:59PM EST - Compute density enabled through 7nm and Foveros

06:59PM EST - Diagram shows 8 chiplets with inter-node chips

07:00PM EST - EMIB connectivity for HBM, Foveros for Rambo cache

07:00PM EST - Enables high density and bandwidth/watt

07:01PM EST - Another SoC, called Xe Link

07:01PM EST - Supports unified memory across multple GPUs with CXL

07:01PM EST - GPU will have Xeon Class RAS, as well as ECC, Parity across all memory and cache

07:02PM EST - Ponte Vecchio GPU

07:03PM EST - 16 compute chiplets, HBM

07:03PM EST - This is what's going in Aurora

07:03PM EST - The Exascale supercomputer, coming 2021

07:04PM EST - The AUrora node will have 2 Xeons and 6 Ponte Vecchio GPUs

07:05PM EST - Aurora brings it all together

07:05PM EST - Two Sapphire Rapids GPUs

07:05PM EST - all-to-all connectivity within a node

07:06PM EST - oneAPI

07:06PM EST - 8 fabric endpoints per node

07:06PM EST - Details being out today to help drive the software development early

07:06PM EST - Aurora - Delivered in 2021

07:06PM EST - (don't ask if Q1 or Q4)

07:08PM EST - AIming for 500x perf per node in HPC by 2021

07:09PM EST - That's a wrap! Time for Q&A. Ping me asap on twitter (@IanCutress) if you have any questions

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  • lasserith - Sunday, November 17, 2019 - link

    Who is dreamier? Raja or Ian?
  • Dayman - Sunday, November 17, 2019 - link

    Hmm, why not both?
  • ianmills - Sunday, November 17, 2019 - link

    LOL at Koduri with his white shirt and flaming white hair. Great contrast to Jensen Huang man in black getup
    Dark vs Light! Who will win?
  • tipoo - Sunday, November 17, 2019 - link

    Obviously #SuBae
  • Jorgp2 - Sunday, November 17, 2019 - link

    Don't you mean Sapphire Rapids CPU?
  • del42sa - Monday, November 18, 2019 - link

    yes :-) it´s a CPU not GPU
  • svan1971 - Sunday, November 17, 2019 - link

    Intel is announcing anything they can to get to the top of the page.
  • CityBlue - Sunday, November 17, 2019 - link

    A keynote from Raja wouldn't be worth a byline on any other website, yet here it's top billing deposing a review of the best consumer x86_64 CPU on the planet. Dr Intel - mission accomplished. Sorry, Ian. It's Ian. Yep. definitely Ian.
  • Cellar Door - Sunday, November 17, 2019 - link

    It's low quality comments like this - why even a basic moderator is needed for the comments section.
  • mode_13h - Monday, November 18, 2019 - link

    It's a lame comment, but I don't really see what rules it's breaking. I don't think comments should be removed or people banned because you disagree with them.

    Rather than moderation, I think what you really want is up/down-voting buttons.

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