We already posted our overview of the 12.11 Catalyst drivers when used with desktop GPUs, but notebook users are naturally wondering where the promised mobile Hotfix driver is. The short story is that AMD decided to roll the Hotfix into the 12.11 release, so this driver takes care of both mobile and desktop users. The usual caveats for notebooks apply, obviously: your laptop needs to use either a discrete-only GPU or support dynamic switchable graphics aka Enduro, and the laptop manufacturer needs to be a participant in AMD’s mobile drivers program. I’m not sure what companies are specifically opting out, but at least the beta driver I tested installed on a Sony VAIO C (more on this below).

With the official release in hand, we went back to verify performance was the same as the 12.9 Hotfix we had tested previously. In the process of testing, we found things were not quite where we expected, but then AMD contacted us to let us know there was a slight snafu with the 12.11 driver: it doesn’t include the DX9 portion of the Hotfix (which, if you missed it, we had to manually install the DLLs in safe mode with the not-for-public driver). That’s unfortunate, as it potentially means any DX9-only games will underperform relative to the earlier Hotfix, but that’s not the end of the story.

Besides the apparent DX9 snafu, we also ran into issues with several games no longer working properly. DiRT 3 and DiRT Showdown both refuse to run in fullscreen mode with the 12.11 beta, which makes comparing performance with the previous scores largely useless (windowed mode is always going to be slower, in my experience). Battlefield 3, which received a large performance boost on desktops with the 12.11 drivers, also refuses to run—it crashes/hangs almost immediately after launching. (It might be the same fullscreen bug as in the DiRT games, but there’s no XML config file to tweak to change settings so basically I’m unable to test BF3 at present.) Update: I had to uninstall the AMD drivers, reboot, reinstall AMD's drivers, reboot, and then reinstall Intel's iGPU drivers. Then things worked more or less properly.

Of the remaining games, we found minor differences in performance but nothing really worrisome; if you’re still running the original Clevo 7970M drivers, the Hotfix should be a dramatic step up in performance. What about other non-7900M laptops, though? As mentioned above, I installed the 12.11 beta from AMD on the Sony VAIO C (PowerXpress 4.0/Dynamic Switchable Graphics) and that worked “okay”; the issue is the same as with the 12.9 Beta driver: the “Global Switchable Graphics” settings are missing, and if you try a clean install (i.e. uninstall the Sony provided AMD and Intel drivers and then install the latest version of both), well, I couldn't get the 6630M to work properly. I’m not sure how much the new drivers help performance with other GPUs, but a quick look at performance on the VAIO C suggests that only GCN GPUs are likely to show noteworthy improvements.

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Here’s the quick rundown of our testing results at our “Mainstream” (900p ~High) and “Enthusiast” (1080p ~Ultra 4xAA) notebook test settings, showing four sets of drivers: the initial Clevo driver (8.951.6, which is close to the 12.3 Catalyst drivers), the 12.9 beta, the 12.9 Hotfix, and the 12.11 beta.

Mobile 7970M Mainstream Gaming

Mobile 7970M Enthusiast Gaming

Performance is down slightly from the Hotfix internal release, but that’s not too surprising given the missing DX9 support. Overall, our Mainstream settings show a pretty clear benefit from the Hotfix/12.11 drivers, while the increases at our Enthusiast settings are less dramatic but still tangible in most titles. Unlike on desktop cards where Tahiti/7900 showed the largest improvements at 1920x1200, here the Pitcairn-based 7970M benefits more at 1600x900. If we're seeing the same shading/texturing improvements, that would make sense: one step down from Tahiti means one step down in resolution for optimal quality. We also see performance higher than the earlier Hotfix in Civ5, Battlefield 3 at Mainstream, and DiRT 3 at Enthusiast settings.

The drivers have now posted on AMD's site. Note that these are beta drivers and thus you don't go through the usual "mobility driver download utility"; all of the necessary hardware IDs are already present in the INFs. AMD also informs us that they’re working to push out a fixed mobile driver “shortly” that will include the DX9 improvements as well. I would hope that will bring the 12.11 release to the performance level of the 12.9 Hotfix, and hopefully AMD can address the issues with laptop support on older Enduro/Dynamic Switchable Graphics laptops.

Looking at the bigger picture, this release shows that AMD can push out public drivers for mobile platforms, including Enduro systems, but we’re still seeing some disconcerting trends with overall mobile platform support. We want the next official release to clean up the drivers on all Enduro/Dynamic notebooks (e.g. Sony VAIO C and HP Envy 15, to name two specific models where we’ve heard the same “missing Global Switchable profiles” complaint), and it would be great if we didn’t have to uninstall then reinstall drivers to get things functioning properly (i.e. the initial issues with Battlefield 3 and DiRT 3). NVIDIA hasn’t been free of such issues, but given the number of Optimus laptops we’ve tested compared to Enduro we’ve encountered problems far less frequently. Here’s hoping 2013 can be the year where we no longer have to delve into the question of which AMD notebooks work properly with AMD-provided drivers.

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  • TrantaLocked - Monday, October 22, 2012 - link

    The driver is now up:
    I'm excited to start testing!
  • HOODY - Monday, October 22, 2012 - link

    Unless AMD acknowledges that "they" provide the intel part also, this driver still won't install "out the box", at least not on AMD/Intel units like mine with the RAdeon 7690m xt and Intel 3000.

    And After downloading the "new" mobility tool, it still gives me the "hardware not supported" box.

    Also tried the update from within CCC and says my driver is up to date, oh yeah from Nov 2011?.

    If you check the Intel driver properties under Device manager, you'll see it plainly states "provided by Advanced Micro Devices" So to have a working driver for us laptop users with switchable (Enduro) the driver package needs to include ALL parts to be installable.

    I will however need to go ahead and download 12-11 and have it ready for when I download W8 later this week as the driver I have now I know won't work at all with it.

    god give me strength!!
  • JarredWalton - Monday, October 22, 2012 - link

    The plan is that going forward, you can get Intel's drivers from Intel and AMD's drivers from AMD, without worrying about getting a single monolithic driver. In theory at least. For 12.11 Beta3, using the Sony VAIO C, I just installed 12.11 over the original Sony drivers and that updated the AMD side (with some of the Enduro options not quite working). If you're going to use Windows 8, though, you'll be using non-HP driver either way is my guess.

    Note that the 12.10 mobility driver utility will not download updated drivers on Enduro/switchable graphics notebooks. That's why you download the beta directly.
  • HOODY - Monday, October 22, 2012 - link

    Well hell Jarred that would be a vast improvement over what we have now, to be able to utilize both drivers even if from different makers, one at a time though, as sometimes you might just have a AMD driver updated, and another the Intel, I doubt if both would be updated in tandem.

    I have a guy on Leshcat's site now doing just that to see how it works on a setup like mine, installing the new Intel driver and than installing the 12-11, I await his "experiment" progress.

    As for W8, yeah I haven't seen any driver updates posted yet to HP drivers page for my specific unit yet either, so I will most likely have to do the duel install thing or use this Leshcat combined mix just to start. man what a mess I got myself into going to a laptop, lol.

    I just keep seeing NVIDIA in my future, smirks.....
  • HOODY - Monday, October 22, 2012 - link

    Well that guy reported back that that doesn't work, the new Intel driver doesn't work on this setup, but he did say that

    "The only drivers that work good with 12.11 are and both from 12.9_sep4_unifl_pt05."

    What he means is that those are the 2 Intel drivers that seem to work with 12-11, that came out of this Leshcat's unified modded driver.

    I assume he got them installed seperately from that package along with 12-11.
  • JarredWalton - Monday, October 22, 2012 - link

    So, I tried doing Windows 8 on the VAIO C. It's not looking good. Can I go back and install an old Win7 64-bit driver I wonder? Right now, it's the same as if you try a clean install of the latest Intel and AMD drivers on that platform (which is probably the same as with your HP): AMD's CCC will start, but you can't actually access the hardware AFAICT.
  • HOODY - Tuesday, October 23, 2012 - link

    Here is what this guy did for his W8


    João Castro Oct 23, 2012 3:30 am

    I have installed 12.11 from here http://sites.amd.com/us/game/downloads/Pages/radeo... last link.

    Then i extracted 12.9_sep4_unifl_pt05 with both intel drivers.

    After that i have installed through device manager… select intel, update driver software and i have manually selected the .inf file inside the extracted ATI setup. Something like this, Packages\Drivers\Display\W86A_INF\C8146497.inf.

    After that reboot.

    If you want to install other intel driver do the same thing that i have explained.

    PS: you dont need to unninstal/reinstal amd drivers after reboot you should have all good.
  • jeremyshaw - Tuesday, October 23, 2012 - link

    Check sonys support site. For my vaio sa (mux switch, similar gen and specs to your vaio), Sony has promised windows 8 driver availability when windows 8 launches. I don't know whether or not to take it at face value, but that should be it.
  • JarredWalton - Tuesday, October 23, 2012 - link

    Just to confirm, I did manage to use the Leshcatlabs "hacked" drivers to get the Sony VAIO C working under WIndows 8 Pro 64-bit. It's not the nicest way of doing things, but it's better than not getting your dGPU! Grab them from here:


    I assume they'll be updated with the 12.11 betas (or maybe those can install over the top of the Leshcat drivers--checking right now on that). I do get the "missing global dropdown" issue still, but that's livable at least.
  • JarredWalton - Tuesday, October 23, 2012 - link

    Update: confirmed. On VAIO C (so HP Envy 15 as well), you can install the leshcat 12.9 release on Win8 and then install AMD's 12.11 Beta and get the latest drivers working that way.

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